
Our selection of accredited abuse prevention workshops and innovative partnerships help schools, youth-serving organizations, frontline professionals, parents, and families learn to protect children and confront abuse.

Workshops for Adults

Virtual and in-person workshops for adults begin at $500. Virtual workshops are limited to 100 participants.

Protecting Children in a Virtual Learning Environment*
During this 60-minute workshop for educators, mentors, coaches, administrators, and directors of schools and youth-serving organizations, we discuss how policy can help professionals establish healthy boundaries in an online environment with the students they serve. Attendees will learn how to communicate with students in an online environment that maintains observable and interruptible interactions and how to recognize abuse and neglect through a webcam.

Grooming Children, Families, and Organizations*
During this 60-minute workshop, adults will learn how predators groom children, families, and organizations to isolate and abuse their victims. Using case studies, participants will learn the signs of grooming and the strategies predators use to find and lure victims.

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect*
During this 60-minute workshop for adults, participants will learn about mandatory reporting statutes, the different forms of abuse and neglect, how to recognize the signs of abuse and neglect, how to respond to a disclosure of abuse, and how and when to make a report. This workshop also involves scenario-based discussion.

Secrets & Lies: Combating the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
Commonly known as “human trafficking,” this 60-minute workshop for adults examines how children are trafficked in our neighborhoods, vacation destinations, and retail shops through predatory grooming and coercion tactics. Participants will learn how children are particularly susceptible to trafficking, whether online or through in-person interactions, and how to recognize indicators, intervene and report suspected trafficking. Safeguarding children from sexual exploitation and abuse significantly reduces their risk of becoming trafficked, making primary prevention strategies essential to preventing trafficking of children and adults.

Protecting Children Online (Internet Safety)
This is a 60-minute overview of what children are doing online. Participants will learn how child predators online hunt, lure, and groom children for future abuse – and how adults can best protect children from the threat of an online predator.

Children Emerging from Trauma
The stresses and hurdles associated with COVID-19 are a once-in-a-generation experience that will leave a lasting impact on us all – especially children and teens. Whether struggling with increased exposure to cyberbullies and threats from online predators or direct abuse and neglect in their own home – children will need our help to navigate the impact of this crisis.

The workshop will help educators, youth-serving professionals, parents, and caregivers meet this (and other trauma) head-on – in a helpful, healthy, and practical way.

Stewards of Children® (+ $10 per participant for materials) *
During this two-hour, Beau Biden Foundation certified facilitator-led, workshop, adults learn how to recognize, respond, and report child sexual abuse. This evidence-informed program, created by Darkness to Light, includes video testimonials from professionals and survivors.

Internet Safety Workshops for Parents and Families
These 60-minute workshops bring the Beau Biden Foundation’s Internet Safety eBook series to life with critical information on how children and teens are navigating the digital landscape and how adults can protect them from cyberbullies, predators, and other online threats.

  • Cyberbullying: The Role of Parents
    An examination of what constitutes bullying/cyberbullying, how the internet can be used as a weapon, indicators parents should look for, and prevention strategies that promote collaboration between parent and child.
  • 7 Things You Don’t Know About Your Child’s/Student’s Digital Life
    This workshop presents a candid view of online behaviors of children, the vulnerabilities those behaviors create, and how to intervene without violating a child’s trust.
  • Online Gaming: Tips for Protecting Children
    Participants will discuss the evolution of gaming, how predators target and groom victims, how the gaming environment protects predators, as well as teaching children resiliency and how to become advocates for themselves and their peers.

For more information about our FREE eBooks and to download yours today, please visit www.beaubidenfoundation.org/ebooks.

*indicates these workshops have been accredited by the Delaware Child Protection Accountability Commission and approved by the Delaware Department of Education for 1 hour of non-academic training for child abuse and neglect.

Workshops for Children

Virtual and in-person workshops for children are free of charge. Virtual workshops are limited to 100 participants.

Internet Safety
During this 60-minute workshop for children in grades 3-12, students discuss typical situations they will encounter while online—whether on social media, online gaming, or engaging with others virtually. Through the use of video clips and scenario-based discussions, students will learn age-appropriate lessons around practicing good digital citizenship, strategies for responding to sexting and sexual solicitation from peers and predators, and the potential consequences for their online behaviors.

Bullying & Cyberbullying Prevention
During this 60-minute workshop for children in grades 3-12, students will engage in discussions around real stories about bullying and cyberbullying of other students. Students will learn what bullying really looks like, how to advocate for themselves and others, when to seek the help of adults and when to report to authorities. Students will leave with a variety of ways to respond to bullying, whether online or in-person, as well as ways to foster kindness and accountability with themselves and in their peer groups.

Sexting, Sextortion, and Sexploitation
During this 60-minute workshop, middle and high school students will explore the definition of sexting, the laws around it, and its potentially harmful aftermath. Students will learn how personal information and sexually explicit conversations, images, and videos can be monetized, shared globally, and used to extort more explicit images. Students will leave with a broader understanding of how posting pictures and information can be used to harm them.