In the first six months of 2020, 40,000 children and babies who were victims of abuse and neglect did not get the help they needed.
The sad reality is that 5 children will die today because of abuse – and in times of crisis like this, it may be more.
Add your name to our petition below, and demand that lawmakers fully fund the Victims of Child Abuse Act. In times of crisis, people like us come together to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Without these funds, abused children will fall through the cracks. Think about a child who is in an unsafe place. The young boy who is sheltering at home with an abusive parent. The teenage girl in quarantine with a step-brother who molests her. Children who don’t have anyone to turn to for help.
Please add your name to the growing list of people urging lawmakers to fully fund the Victims of Child Abuse Act.
You’ll be doing something remarkable: standing up and shining a bright light on child abuse.
Please, fill out the form at the top of this page and be the shield a child living in an abusive home needs.