In the next two minutes, law enforcement will review 96 images of child pornography shared on the Internet.
17 of those pictures were taken by children themselves and shared with an online predator.
Imagine a child running a public Instagram story of her training for field hockey season. She’s giving everyone a direct view into her bedroom – including an online predator, who saw her story and sent her a direct message. Soon, she’s sharing explicit photos with the predator – who she thinks is a boy her age.
There are 500,000 predators online today and are sending messages soliciting a child. And we know one in three of those children will never tell anyone they’re in danger. They’re trapped.
Online predators have many opportunities to target, lure and groom children for abuse.
For just $3 today, you can protect a child from an online predator. You’ll do it by giving a trusted adult in her life the information they need to protect her from one of the 500,000 predators online every day.
Please make a secure gift by filling out the form below. Your gift will protect a child from an online predator.